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Our office has a comprehensive range of information material available for loan or purchase in our Resource Centre. Topics include sustainable farming, native plants, weed management and caring for your small acre block.
A selection of our publications are available below.

Sustainable Land Management
Know your soils - A manual describing soil properties and nutrient function produced for Clifton State High School, Dalby State High School and Pittsworth State High School as part of a project funded by the Australian Government.

Management of Grassy Weeds in the Eastern Darling Downs - A best practice manual for the identification and management of grassy weeds commonly found in the Eastern Darling Downs produced as part of the Community Landcare Grants 2013-14.

Pest Animals
Information coming soon.

Cambooya Railway Grassland Reserve
The Cambooya Landcare Association Inc. manages the Grassland Reserve near the railway, just north of Cambooya. This poster provides an overview of the various threatened flora and fauna this Reserve protects.

Glovebox Guides
A guide to managing vegetation in the Cambooya Shire. Prepared by Rick Galbraith, and Richard and Jayne Thorpe for the Cambooya Landcare Association Inc. with funding from the Australian Government.
A guide to managing native vegetation on private property. Prepared by Rick Galbraith for the Pittsworth Shire Council with funding from the Natural Heritage Trust.
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