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Enhancing roadside reserves

This is part of a project gratefully granted by Toowoomba Regional Council under their Community Environment Program (CEP79156)

Importance of roadside corridors

Modification of the landscape often leads to a decrease in connectivity between habitat. Roadside corridors are often the only connected habitat remaining through the agricultural landscapes of the Eastern Downs; yet these are often narrow and degraded. Restoring and managing adjoining areas to roadside corridors is encouraged to expand existing habitat, while also providing a buffer to the spread of roadside weeds


A key consideration for expansion of roadside corridors is fencing to exclude disturbance from grazing. Fence construction should be wildlife friendly where feasible. For example, a 50cm gap between ground level and
the first rail or strand, and limited use of barbed wire (avoiding use on top and bottom lines). Wildlife Friendly Fencing has more recommendations here. Other guidance on wildlife friendly fencing is also available from Land for Wildlife and the Department of Environment and Science.

Fencing equipment is available at Felton Produce.


Revegetation of land (or natural regeneration in less disturbed areas) adjoining roadside habitat is important to enhance the biodiversity values of roadside reserves.


Native species endemic to your area encouraged for direct planting and seeding. For recommendations on what to plant in the Cambooya region, please refer to A guide to managing vegetation in Cambooya Shire.


Stockists of suitable native plants for our region include:

Native pasture seed is also available from Native Seeds. The Northern Horse Pasture mix containing containing curly Mitchell grass (Astrebla lappacea), Queensland bluegrass (Dichanthium sericeum), black spear grass (Heteropogon contortus) and curly windmill grass (Enteropogon acicularis) is recommended for our region.

Weed and pest management

Areas adjoining roadside reserves will greatly benefit from weed and pest management. Incorporating ‘reserve’ areas into a property pest management plan may assist with this.

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