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Ramsay State School project
The Ramsay State School project involved improving a 15 acre block of open woodland. This woodland block is of ecologically significance in the region, consisting of mixed Eucalyptus albens/E. crebra woodland with a small patch of critically endangered White Box-Yellow Box-Blakely's Red Gum Grassy Woodland on the southern extent.
The Lantana Busters successfully finished tackling the lantana at Ramsay State School in 2015. A Poster summarising the project was displayed at the 2013 Queensland State Landcare Conference held in Warwick, Queensland.
Community Award:
As a result of their work at Ramsay School, the group took out the "Community Award" section of the 2014 Condamine Awards. Hosted by natural resource management group Condamine Alliance, the Condamine Awards were established to "recognise and celebrate outstanding contributions to natural resource management in the Condamine catchment" (The Chronicle, 30 May 2014).
The winning team: Ross Ibell, Thea Russell, Graeme Wegner,
Euan McLean and George Goodsell
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